Healthy Eating Week Competition
To coincide with both Healthy Eating Week and the Euros starting, we are running a competition to find the best 5 ingredient recipe that a footballer might want to eat prior to a football match!

Railway Safety Assembly
Network Rail and British Transport Police delivered an important message to all students today on the importance of Railway Safety

Scholastic Book Fair!
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming back to Derby Cathedral School on Tuesday 12th December - Thursday 14th December!

Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme - Important Information
Important information about recent changes to the Holiday Activities and Food programme
A busy week for Careers!
It's been a busy week for Careers with visitors from University of Nottingham and Oxford University speaking to Y11 and 12 students about higher education, and a Y11 assembly delivered by Nottingham College about the Post-16 options available to them.
Ada Lovelace Day
A group of Y9 girls attended a 'Women in STEM' event for Ada Lovelace Day to learn about a variety of careers in Science.

GCSE Results Day!

21 July Newslettter
Please see our final newsletter of this school year! Wishing all of our students and families a wonderful and relaxing summer break!

Year 8 HPV Vaccines - 7th July 2023
Year 8 students are being offered the HPV vaccine in school on 7th July 2023.
Year 9 Teenage Booster Vaccines - Tuesday 18th April
Teenage Boosters will be taking place in school for Year 9 students on Tuesday 18th April 2023. If you have not done so already, please follow the link to complete the form. It is important that this is filled in even if you do not wish for your child to have the immunisation.
Bus Travel Options
The attached documents show the simplest and easiest way for parents to pay for students' bus travel to and from school.

New Uniform Supplier and Uniform Changes
Our new Uniform Supplier from 1st June 2023 will be Morley's Schoolwear.