Cost of Living Support
We have some useful flyers and leaflets with tips and tricks to help you during what might be a difficult winter.

Drama Good News
Year 10's have been doing some excellent work exploring Ancient Greek theatre.
Music News!
We have lots of exciting music news to bring to you including our upcoming Christmas concert!

Launching Year 10 Work Experience 2022 - 2023
Last year we had our first work experience week and we are pleased to announce that it will return for this year's year 10s.
Year 11 Apprenticeships Day
A fantastic opportunity for our Year 11's to learn about their post 16 options.

Christmas Concert Update
The Christmas concert is coming up soon. Grab your tickets early!

Scholars Programme
Our Scholars Programme is in full swing and we are so proud of our students taking part.

Year 11 Apprenticeships Day
Just before half term, year 11 had the opportunity to learn more about apprenticeships as they get closer to making the decision about their post-16 destinations.

Wanting to know the latest goings on at Derby Cathedral school? We put up our weekly updates on the website for you to browse at your convenience. Our back issues have been updated so that you can catch up with all of the news that has happened so far in the year.
Book Trust Book Buzz
Book Buzz is back again with Year 7s all being given the choice to get a book to take home for free, forever.