I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.”

Psalm 32:8

Transition from Year 6 to Year 7

The transition process starts each year as soon as secondary school places are confirmed on March 1st. If you are in receipt of a Year 7 place for entry in September, we will be in touch shortly after national offer day – 1st March -  with full details.
We know that the transition from primary to secondary school is an exciting prospect but can also feel a bit daunting. We provide a full programme of information and activities to help support all students make this move as smooth as possible.

See the document below for a detailed Year 7 Welcome Booklet for students and parents/carers. 

Year 7 Welcome Booklet

Updated: 20/07/2023 4.49 MB

School places at Derby Cathedral School in September

Face to face transition events will be scheduled and announced following the national offer day.

A transition pack that will also be sent out to you on receipt of a confirmed offer. 

Please also have a read of some key questions and answers from previous Year 6 students.

Q&A for Y6 Students/Parents Carers

Will my child be with in a class with their friends?

It might be the case you are with a current friend in your class group however, that cannot be guaranteed. We balance our groups to ensure there is a mix of students from all different backgrounds, primary schools, areas and with a variety of interests, hobbies and skills. Every year this is one thing students and parents/carers worry about but within the first week of school they have all made new friends with similar interests. You will meet lots of new people and break and lunch is for catching up with old and new friends alike.

How are the teaching groups organised?

Teaching groups are the same as your form group e.g. if you are in 7Derwent you attend all lessons with 7Derwent. We have mixed ability teaching groups at DCS. Your form group tells you which house you are in e.g. if you are in 7Nightingale you are part of Nightingale House. Any house points you earn from merits go into the overall total for Nightingale.

Which languages will I study?

Students study Spanish at DCS. At present, no other languages are offered but this might change as the school grows. We currently offer Mandarin as an extra-curricular club subject to demand and attendance.

How big are the class sizes?

There will be around 30 students in each class.

How do I pay for my school lunch?

All students have their thumb print scanned so parents/carers can pay using ParentPay online. Then once you purchase your food before school, break time or lunch time your thumb will be scanned and the money taken from your account. We do not accept any form of cash payments in school.

Do I have to have school lunch from the canteen?

No, students can bring packed lunches with them if they wish.

What happens if I get lost?

Each classroom will have a number on the door and there will be lots of members of staff around to help you. You will also be given a map of the school on your first day.

How many lessons do we have each day?

All students have 6 lessons each day. You will also meet with your tutor and form group every morning and afternoon,  and have a break in the morning and at lunch time.

What extra-curricular activities do you have at DCS?

We have lots of clubs at Derby Cathedral School such as; STEM club, History club, board games and sporting clubs to name a few. A calendar of clubs available will be given out during your first week at school by your form tutor. See our enrichment page for more information.

Can jewellery be worn?

Jewellery should be kept to a minimum. One pair of small stud earrings, worn in the lobe of the ear only are permitted. No other piercings are permitted on health and safety grounds. Should you arrive with another piercing other than an earring in the lobe of the ear you will be asked to remove this immediately. False or fake nails are not permitted on the same health and safety grounds. Nail polish is not allowed nor is make-up.

What uniform do we need?

All information can be found on our website. Please note that trainers of any description are not allowed, apart from during PE lessons. Shoes for school must be formal, black school shoes. See our uniform page for full details.

What will I need with me on my first day of school?

Your pencil case filled with all the necessary equipment (pens, crayons, glue stick, pencils, ruler) a school bag, a transparent (see through) drinks bottle or bottle of water, a coat (weather dependant) and a packed lunch if you do not have school lunches. See our uniform and equipment page for full details.

Can I bring my mobile phone to school?

Phones are not permitted to be used at any time during the school day. This includes before school, break time and lunchtime. If you choose to bring a phone to school, this is at your own risk. If it is seen, heard or noticed it will be confiscated and taken to reception, and a same day after school detention will be issued. If it is confiscated a second time your parents/carers have to come into school to collect it and a lengthier after school detention is issued.

What happens if I have a problem, question, worry or concern?

If you are worried about something or have any questions or concerns, you must tell a member of staff. You should first speak to your Form Tutor whom you see every morning for collective worship. You can also speak to your Head of Year or any member of the pastoral or safeguarding team. Staff will listen and take action to solve any problems.

Will I be rewarded for excellent work, attendance or participation?

Yes! We love rewarding students at DCS and do this every single day. We issues positive points in all lessons which lead to various certificates and can be used in our rewards shop. We send postcards home for excellent work, and we award house points in weekly collective worship for Student of the Week (you will receive a very snazzy badge) and the house group with the best attendance gets to keep the attendance trophy for the week. Students are also able to get queue jump passes. All rewards you get contribute to your house and help them to compete in the house competition which runs all year and culminates in sports day.

If you have any questions please contact us at info@derbycathedralschool.org.uk.