Subject Intent

“Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is a school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. It helps children and young people to stay healthy and safe, while preparing them to make the most of life and work.”

PSHE Association

PSHE is a key subject in any school as it addresses the personal development of our pupils outside of academic curriculum areas. It teaches the fellowship skills of successfully living and working with other people, raises aspirations of pupils through a coherent careers and employability skills programme, encourages integrity by asking the big questions that exist in our world, allowing pupils to voice their own thoughts but also listen, take on and reflect upon those of others. The curriculum and extended FAITH award requires and encourages tenacity within our pupils as many of the subjects we cover are both personal, emotionally challenging and difficult for the pupils. This is turn requires the humility, integrity and fellowship to understand this in a classroom setting in such a socio-economic and culturally vibrantly diverse school.

As a result of coming to Derby Cathedral School and taking part in PSHE lessons, our pupils will be better people than when they started. As they grow through the school, I want them to aspire to become the best person they can be and have the integrity to carry out that way of thinking in whatever situation is presented. This is not always easy, but the reflection throughout the PSHE curriculum and the case studies of others, encourages this personal growth regardless of starting point.
At Derby Cathedral School a great emphasis is placed on our pupils personal development and the pupils are therefore taught a single lesson of PSHE each week. This is always taught by experienced and qualified staff to ensure the pupils get the best experience possible from these lessons.

Until recently the PSHE curriculum has been non statutory although highly essentially for our young people. Our PSHE is built upon the PSHE association suggested content, the statutory content in school from Sep 2020, the PSHE association accredited and suggested resources and resources purchased from the Times Educational Supplement and JigSaw KS4 PSHE curriculum.

The combination of all these ingredients makes an up to date, differentiated, robust curriculum that is flexible, can respond to the needs of both our pupils at Derby Cathedral School and world events. The PSHE curriculum will address current events and changes that occur in the world.

The curriculum is carefully planned to show a clear progression for learning so that students explore and learn subject content that empowers then with the information they need at the most appropriate time. Whilst students will study aspects of personal development such as puberty, body image and Sex and Relationships Education (SRE), they will also be prepared for later life through a well-planned and thoughtful programme of careers and enterprise training – ensuring our students are equipped to make the right choices for their future education and training.

The PSHE curriculum supports, compliments and underpins pupils work in all other subjects. This is THE key subject that asks pupils to develop their thinking spiritually, socially, emotionally and culturally in collaboration with all other aspects of their learning and life.

Ultimately PSHE encourages our pupils to be happy and confident individuals who treat others with respect, have a clear understanding of community and have a character that gives value to the world around them.

PSHE Curriculum Plans

Updated: 13/03/2024 3.58 MB
Updated: 17/10/2024 3.53 MB


Mr C Saunders Head of PSHE/ Teacher of PE


Homework & Assessment

As a non-examined subject assessment is formative throughout each lesson with a knowledge check online quiz done at the end of each unit. Behaviour and effort are assessed at each data point.

Study skills & Revision

PSHE is all about preparing young people for life. In PSHE we cover lots of different aspects of life but the key to this lesson is that you reflect on and use everything we learn in your lives outside the classroom.


Here are some examples of PSHE lessons covering some of the Relationship and Sex Education content in the subject long term plan.

Puberty in girls - Y7


Healthy Loving Relationships - Y8


What are Sexually Transmitted Infections? - Y9


If you would like to discuss any of the RSE content in our school curriculum, or have any questions - please contact Mr C Saunders, our Head of PSHE at