Welcome to the Year 7 section of the website
The Head of Year 7 is Mr Thompson.
In Year 7 we focus on the transition from primary school and getting students settled into the routine of secondary school life. We guide them to develop their organisational skills in order to move from classroom to classroom on their two-week timetable. We encourage independence helping students to manage their homework and individual equipment ensuring everything is available when required.
We have an incredible Tutor team consisting of a head of year, pastoral year lead and 6 form tutors. Each form is assigned a house and students earn positive points throughout the year which contribute to the house competition.
Every morning at Derby Cathedral Starts with a collective worship with their form tutor. Different activities are carried out throughout the week.
At Derby Cathedral School we expect all students to follow our FAITH values.
All of our school rules are based around the FAITH values. We believe in developing a well-rounded individual who can succeed in life when leaving our school and the FAITH values help to support this development.
Throughout the year we carry out different activities as a year group. Examples from this year are:
- Reverse advent calendar where students created and filled an advent calendar with items which we donated to the Derby City Mission.
- Harvest festival where all items are donated to the Padley centre.
- If you would like full information regarding our extra-curricular (enrichment) offer, please click on this link Enrichment
We aim to make everyone’s time at Derby Cathedral School an enjoyable learning experience and strive to provide students with the support they need to flourish in their time at secondary school.