Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Philippians 2:4

SEND Support

Derby Cathedral School prides itself on being an inclusive school. We cater for all students.  We work in close collaboration with our feeder primary schools and a number of external professional agencies, including the NHS, CAMHS and the Specialist Teaching and Psychology Service (STePs) at Derby City Council, to ensure we have all of the relevant information and advice for students with additional needs.

We work very hard for our students with SEND to ensure that they receive the right type of help to underpin their education. Our 'Nurture' provision assists those students who need extra intervention to access the English and Maths curriculums.  We also have a provision called 'Restore' that delivers social, emotional and mental health support alongside a bespoke curriculum delivered by a qualified teacher.  This provision also provides a full-time TFTF (Think For The Future)  mentor.  Our 'Learning Hub' is designed to offers academic mentoring for those students who need a little more guidance outside of the classroom. Throughout the school community, our SEND team work hard to support all our students and they show complete dedication to ensuring that all learners succeed no matter what barriers may exist.

Policies and Documentation

For all SEND policies and documents, please see our Policies page.

Accessibilty Plan

Schools are required under the Equality Act 2010 to have an accessibility plan. The purpose of the plan is to: 

  • Increase the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the curriculum 

  • Improve the physical environment of the school to enable disabled pupils to take better advantage of education, benefits, facilities and services provided 

  • Improve the availability of accessible information to disabled pupils 

Our school aims to treat all its students fairly and with respect. This involves providing access and opportunities for all students without discrimination of any kind. 

Our Accessibility Plan can be found on our Policies Page.

Physical Impairment 

Derby Cathedral School has recently occupied a brand-new school building which is fully accessible and DDA compliant Handrails and ramps are in place as required and a lift to all floors is in operation. 

Site staff have ensured visual hazards are highlighted as required. Areas include stairs, steps and chamfered ramps. All lighting can be adapted in individual classrooms and adapted in the hallways to meet the needs of visually impaired students. 

Hearing Impairment 

Staff have received additional training on the use of a loop/audio transmitter systems used by students with hearing impairments. The fire alarm has been checked so that is within the audible range of the students. Other arrangements will be made for any profoundly deaf students if needed. 

Physical Impairment 

All teachers are informed of any student with physical impairment by the SENDCO.  Consideration is given to timetabling rooms for easier access by SLT (if required). If students require adapted seating plans during lessons, teaching staff are informed via the SENDCo.  

In addition to the above there are staff trained in ‘Emergency First Aid’ to support students with medical conditions including the event of an emergency administration of epi-pen medication. Specialist TA’s are also provided to ensure full access if required by an EHCP which includes personal care/toileting if required. 

Visual Impairment 

Students with visual impairments, or who are blind, will be provided with an enhanced transition package prior to starting Derby Cathedral School.  This will be arranged in conjunction with the feeder primary school, STePS and DCS Departments have bought specific items, and other items have been loaned from the VI service to ensure any specialised equipment is procured and resources organised.  

For those students who are blind, adaptions are made as per advice from Derby City Council’s mobility/re-habilitation officer (tactile flooring, ‘Bump ons’ etc.). An extensive period of orienteering of the school will be also organised in conjunction with the V.I specialist teacher. 

Hearing Impairment 

Students with hearing impairments (H.I.) meet regularly with the specialist teacher for H.I.  These students may require differentiated seating arrangements to meet their needs. Loop systems are also available if appropriate (as previously mentioned). 

The STePS team produce reports for the students they see. Copies are stored in the school information system (Bromcom) or the SEN office.  All reports are also sent to parents via STePs. 

The Local SEND Offer provided by Derby City Council can be found at the following link: Derby City Local SEND Offer