"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."

Romans 13:1

Local Academy Committee (formerly referred to as the Local Governing Body)

Derby Cathedral School is held accountable by a Local Academy Committee and, in turn, the trust board of directors.

The role of the Local Academy Committee is to monitor the school's key performance indicators within the set scheme of delegation alongside the Headteacher and senior leaders.  

Our Local Academy Committee (LAC)

Mike Shales: Chair of LAC



I am a Derby Diocesan Academy Trust LAC Member and I was appointed to the Board in the Autumn of 2020. I am a former secondary school teacher and worked in Derby for over 35 years in various teaching roles, including that of Principal. I retired from teaching in 2020 but still want to make a positive difference, in a voluntary capacity, to the young people of Derby.


Babs Woodward (Staff LAC Member)

I joined Derby Cathedral School in September 2020 and was appointed Local Academy Committee staff member in October 2024.


Bee O'Hara (Parent LAC Member)


I joined Derby Cathedral School LAC having been elected as a Parent LAC Member in Spring 2022. I previously worked within the Disability Movement, locally within Derbyshire including Development and Community Work and working at independent and integrated living options with personal care planning and the employment of PAs directly by Disabled People. As a parent I became very involved with fundraising for both my daughter's Pre School and Primary School, serving as a Governor and PTA Trustee. I have seen many positives during the 5 years my daughter has been at DCS, she is a happy, well supported student.
I look forward to seeing our school grow and develop strong links within the local community in support of our student's learning journey.


CT Atwal (Trust LAC Member)



I am a Trust appointed LAC Member of the Local Academy Committee for Derby Cathedral School, having joined in September 2024. I am currently in my second headship of a school in Derby, a role I have had for approximately 14 years. Prior to this, I have taught in a range of schools in Nottingham and have experience of a variety of contexts that impact children's lives. I am an Ofsted Inspector and a member of Derby's Local Safeguarding Hub. I have a passion for teaching and learning and am interested in 'all things educational'. 


Duncan Anderson (Chapter nominated / Trust LAC Member)



I joined the Local Academy Committee of Derby Cathedral School in February 2024. I am currently the Head of Discipline for Primary Initial Teacher Training and Education at the University of Derby, a role I have held since March 2020. I joined the University in September 2015 as a Senior Lecturer in Initial Teacher and Education, specialising in SEND and Inclusion. Prior to that, I taught in primary and secondary schools for 16 years and was a senior leader and assistance SENDCO. 


James Stafford (Trust LAC Member)




James is currently the Assistant Head Teacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead at the Children's Hospital School in Leicester. He has been a Chair of Governors at the second largest Primary School in the county and is currently a Trustee for a number of charities supporting Children and Young People. James is proud of everything that is achieved by Derby Cathedral School, for our students and family as well as the community of Derby City. He wants to ensure that everyone is equally proud, empowered and valued.


Joseph Edwards (Parent LAC Member)


Born, raised and educated in Derby, I want to see young people in our city reach their full potential in their education and beyond. I was elected as a Parent LAC member in December 2024 and bring perspectives from youth work, the charity sector and parenting to the role. As a committed Christian, I wholeheartedly support and champion the FAITH values of Derby Cathedral School.


Peter Robinson - Dean of Derby Cathedral (Ex Officio)



Peter has been Dean of Derby since July 2020 when he moved to the East Midlands from the Diocese of Newcastle where he was archdeacon of Lindisfarne. Peter has long experience of governance in the Church School setting, including academies. Peter leads the life, mission and ministry of Derby Cathedral and works with the Bishop of Derby’s staff team across the Diocese of Derby. Peter is committed to building a strong and mutually supportive relationship between Derby Cathedral and Derby Cathedral School.


Rachel Blurton (Trust LAC Member)



I am a new member of the Local Academy Committee at Derby Cathedral School. My term of office commenced in September 2024. I have worked within primary education in Derby City for over thirty years and have been a senior leader in schools for over 18 years. I am currently the Deputy Headteacher and SENDCo in a DDAT Primary School in the centre of Derby.


Simon Morris (Trust LAC Member)



I am a former secondary headteacher. Since my retirement in 2020, I have been involved as a trustee/governor across a range of schools, whilst also leading head and senior leadership performance reviews and appraisals. I also sit on the Derby Diocesan Board of Education. I am keen to continue to use my experience of school leadership to make a positive difference to the lives of young people at Derby Cathedral School.


Constitution of Local Academy Committee

Updated: 20/01/2025 37 KB

Local Academy Committee & their Meeting Schedule 2024-25

Updated: 06/01/2025 20 KB
Updated: 14/11/2024 21 KB

Local Academy Committee attendance

Updated: 14/11/2024 26 KB

Local Academy Committee Declaration of Interest

Updated: 14/11/2024 36 KB

DDAT Scheme of Delegation

Updated: 10/01/2025 818 KB

LAC Declarations of Business Interests

Updated: 23/01/2025 36 KB

If you wish to contact any of the members of the Local Academy Committee, please email info@derbycathedralschool.org.uk. 

Full information and statutory documentation about the Trust directors and members can be found on the Key Information page of the DDAT website