![Image of Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel Competition!](https://files.schudio.com/derby-cathedral-school/images/news/221018-BigWalkandWheel-Eng-white-background.png)
We're taking part in Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel 2023, the UK's largest walking, wheeling, scooting and cycling challenge!
The challenge runs from 20th - 31st March. It's free and we would love everyone to get involved!
What is Sustrans?
Sustrans stands for sustainable transport. It is a charity encouraging people to walk and cycle; connecting people and places, creating liveable neighbourhoods, transforming the school run and delivering a happier, healthier commute.
Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel inspires pupils to make active journeys to school, improve air quality in their neighbourhood and discover how these changes benefit their world.
Why are we taking part?
Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel is a great way to build physical activity in children’s daily routine which is important for their physical health and mental wellbeing. Travelling actively is known to increase happiness hormones, improve your mood and relieve stress.
Active school runs also help to reduce congestion and air pollution outside the school gate. A 2021 YouGov study showed nearly half of UK children worry about air pollution near their school. And that children thought active travel was the best way to bring down these pollution levels.
Plus there are some great prizes to be won every day if we get enough children taking part!
What do you need to do?
Encourage your child(ren) to walk, use a wheelchair, scoot or cycle to school on as many days as possible from Monday 20th March to Friday 31st March.
Your child may have a cycle or scooter that needs to be repaired or requires maintenance. Use this week to sort this. If you have any queries, ask your child to speak to a member of the site team as they may be able to help.
‘Park and walk/wheel’ is also an option to consider if you live farther away. Drop your child off at least 10 minutes’ walk from the school and have them complete their journey actively from there. Journeys can count if the active travel part of the journey lasts a minimum of 10 minutes.
Allow extra time in the morning to ensure your child can complete the active travelling without being late to school!
Always ensure safety while travelling, i.e. wearing helmets, etc.
Useful resources
To help you prepare, Sustrans has developed a handy free guide to walking, cycling or scooting to school. It is packed with advice to help you have hassle-free journey to school.
Download your free family guide using this link: https://www.sustrans.org.uk/sign-up-to-receive-your-free-school-run-guide/
For more information about the event go to www.bigwalkandwheel.org.uk . Enjoy the challenge!