On Thursday 8th June Year 10 GCSE Drama students, along with some Year 9 who have picked Drama as one of their GCSE options, went to Nottingham Theatre Royal to watch a production of The Ocean at the End of the Lane. This show began at London's National Theatre, and after rave 5 star reviews, it is now on a national tour. To say it did not disappoint would be an understatement! When it got to the interval, the students sat in front of Ms Eaton turned around with their jaws to the floor and cried out "Miss! It's AMAZING!!!" and they could not wait for the second half to start. The effects used in the show were particularly incredible. The lights, sound, choreography, props and scenery were all timed and used so well with the actors' skills, that there really were jaw-dropping moments. Although Ms Eaton was able to work out how they cleverly put together some of the moments in the production, there were still a couple that she hadn't figured out how on earth they were able to make that happen - leaving Ms Eaton and the students to ponder over the magic that is live theatre. As part of the GCSE Drama written exam, students have to write about live theatre that they have seen, so Year 10 will be able to use this experience in their trial exam on 16th June. And as for the Year 9s, we certainly hope it has got them excited about taking Drama at GCSE!