Reading for Wellbeing Books in the LRC 

The selection of books on the rotary display in the LRC is inspired by 'Reading Well for Teens', an initiative designed to help teenagers understand feelings, boost confidence and cope with difficult times. There is a mixture of personal stories, graphic novels and fiction books, chosen by health experts and young people, aiming to help deal with tough experiences or better understand neurodivergence. 

They are available to borrow just like any other book in the LRC and are highly recommended by our Student Librarians - we'd be happy to see any student or member of staff who has an interest, whether it's personal, family or friend-related. 

An art piece by one of our Year 8s backs up the display, showing conflicting emotions in a simple yet evocative line drawing. 

If a student would like to borrow one of these books but doesn't want friends to know what they are borrowing, please e-mail with the name and title of the book requested, and a message will be sent to form tutors asking they allow the student out during form time to pick up the book.